Upcoming Events
Healthy Bodies Healthy Relationships
A Sexual Education Class for Adults
This is a four class series that will take place once a month starting in October (skipping the month of December). Each class will focus on a different topic with the intention to educate parents and guardians so they can share information with their children how they see fit. These classes will be free thanks to Bathing Breath and the Alberton School Adult Education Program. Classes will be held at the Alberton School and child care will be provided for those that need it. Class topics and info is below. Please rsvp for each class to grace@bathingbreath.com
Fertility Awareness
Saturday, October 12th 3-5pm
Taught by Elaine Sheff for Green Path Herb School
Elaine will teach on the stages of the fertility cycle, Cycle tracking, and herbs to assist during each stage.
Healthy Relationships
Saturday, November 16th 3-5pm
Taught by Mary Furlong
Mary will teach on identifying boundaries, building relationships based on trust & respect, as well as dating violence.
Prevention and Protection
Saturday, January 11th 3-5pm
Taught by Barb and Dar Jasper
They will teach parents how to discuss topics of sex, pregnancy and STI prevention.
Reproductive Anatomy
Saturday, February 8th 3-5pm
Taught by Kendra Potter of Sistermoon Wellness
Kendra will teach on “how it happens” from the anatomy of menstruation to conception and early pregnancy.